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There is life in every glass! Importance of drinking water?

The balance that exists in the universe is also present in our body. Just as two-thirds of our world is covered with water, about two-thirds of our body contains water. The preservation of this ratio is very, very important for the balance of both the world and our body.
When we take a closer look at our body, we realize that this is not just a simple body and water ratio, and how important it is for the maintenance of life. It is obvious that the fascia surrounding the body cannot move without water, intercellular activities cannot be carried out without water, and many functions cannot be performed without water, from delivering food to cells and disposal of wastes. It is also a clear reality that circulation, which is one of the most important dynamics of life, cannot be achieved without sufficient water in our body.
Let's talk about how important the water ratio in our body is for life and vital functions. Just as we forgot to move, we also forgot to feed our body with water, and we made our body forget its need for water. Now, every time our body is thirsty, we try to meet our water needs from non-water foods. First of all, we took refuge in soft drinks and food. Since our body can compensate for its water needs to some extent from here, it restricted movement in a vicious circle and imposed limitations on body activities. We have become sluggish, tired and sick individuals. However, we can say that behind these things lies the accumulated toxic load and restricted body activities.
Then we must remind the body of the water we forgot as soon as possible and return to the body activities necessary for life. Maybe at first, our body will not know what to do with the water it takes because it forgets what it needs, and it will make you go to the toilet more often, but believe me, this troublesome situation will last for a maximum of forty days. Afterwards, this complaint will regress with the new water perception and you will be thirsty with a truly wonderful desire, and you will remember once again how good it is for you to drink water in every glass of water.